Our Partners


Our partners help the Girl Power Project® provide girls with the critical tools they need to successfully navigate adolescence.


AFRIpads are high-quality reusable sanitary pads that are a cost-effective menstrual hygiene solution for girls in rural areas. They help girls maintain good hygiene and are critical for staying healthy and in school. Just Like My Child Foundation partners with AFRIpads to provide all Girl Power Project® participants with this essential resource. AFRIpads is committed to helping women and girls break the barriers that menstruation creates in their lives so they can rise to their full potential.  www.afripads.com

"She Dreamed of Africa" — JLMC Founder, Vivian Glyck, featured in More Magazine for humanitarian work in Africa | JUSTLIKEMYCHILD.ORG

Bishop Asili Hospital

Bishop Asili Hospital provides HIV outreach education and testing to communities participating in the Girl Power Project in central Uganda’s Luwero District.

Central Uganda Police

Uganda’s Central Police force provides self-defense training to girls in Girl Power Project Club sessions. www.upf.go.ug

FIDA Uganda

FIDA Uganda provides legal support for girls and community training through Project Justice.  www.fidauganda.org

Girls Not Brides

Girls Not Brides Uganda (GNB-U) is a National Alliance that hosts over 60 member organizations in an effort to end child marriage in Uganda. GNB-U became an official partner of Girls Not Brides Global in 2016; the alliance works at the national, regional and district level through building capacity of its members to raise awareness on ending child marriage. www.girlsnotbrides.org

Mentor Coach Empower

Mentor Coach Empower provides entrepreneurship curriculum and training through Girl Power Project® Club sessions. www.facebook.com/mceuganda

Population Council

Population Council provides training and support in gold standard girl-centered program design.  www.popcouncil.org

Reproductive Health Uganda

Reproductive Health Uganda provides reproductive health education in Girl Power Project® Club sessions. www.rhu.or.org

Save for Health Uganda

Save for Health Uganda provides support in identifying Girl Power Project® Advocates, trusted adults in the community who support and advocate for girls.  www.shu.org.ug

Our Commitment to Reach 20,000 Girls in Central Uganda:

As of 2018, the Girl Power Project® has reached over 5,000 girls at 71 primary schools in central Uganda. Just Like My Child Foundation aims to reach 50-80% of girls, aged 12-15 years, in a community with this curriculum that’s delivered through an intensive two-year program. Today, with the adoption of evidence-based industry standards and best practices for girl-focused programming, JLMC is committed to equipping 20,000 vulnerable adolescent girls with the tools that will empower them to stay in school through the following commitments:

Let Girls Learn

In 2016, JLMC accepted former First Lady Michelle Obama’s invitation to make a commitment to reach 10,000 girls through her Let Girls Learn initiative at the United State of Women Summit in Washington, DC.

Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action

As a member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in 2015, JLMC made a CGI Commitment to Action to reach 10,000 girls through the Girl Power Project®.

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